ASTM 1/2″ Stainless Steel coil tube for oil

Short Description:


1/2″ Stainless Steel Coil Tubing

Size :1/2″ OD

Thickness :0.035″  0.049″ 0.028″

Surface: Bright and annealed


Type: Seamless or Welded


Product Detail

Product Tags

Liao Cheng Sihe Stainless Steel Factories Can offer ASTM 1/2″ Stainless Steel coil tube  316 Stainless Steel Coil 

Stainless Steel Tubing Coils  Stainless Steel Coil Tubing Coil Stainless Steel Tubing 316l Stainless Steel Coil Factory

 Liao Cheng Sihe Stainless Steel  is  lead Manufacturers of China  304l Stainless Steel Coil 

Stainless steel coiled tubing is a compact type of tubing used in many different industries including chemical,

petrochemical and food production. It is made of high-quality stainless steel, which has excellent corrosion

resistance, heat resistance and pressure resistance. The piping is designed as a coil, making it very flexible and easy

to install in tight spaces. Additionally, its small diameter means it can be used in applications where large pipes are

impractical. Stainless steel coils are commonly used in heat exchangers to transfer heat from one fluid to another. It

is also used in the production of high-performance vehicles, such as racing cars and aircraft, where strength and

durability are critical. Overall, stainless steel coiled tubing is a versatile and reliable material that can be used in a

variety of applications.

1/2″Stainless Steel coil tubing size :

      Stainless Steel capillary tubing
304 Stainless Steel capillary tubing
 We can produce Grade :316L 304  304L 2205 904L 2507 625 825 MOQ500kgs
0.25*0.08 1.4*0.4 2.3*0.2 3.2*0.25 4.5*0.7 6*0.45 8*0.3 11*0.5 0.8*0.2 10*1
0.3*0.1 1.5*0.1 2.3*0.25 3.2*0.3 4.5*0.75 6*0.5 8*0.4 11*1 0.85*0.175 12*0.5
0.4*0.1 1.5*0.125 2.3*0.3 3.2*0.35 4.5*0.8 6*0.6 8*0.45 11*1.5 1.1*0.2 12*1
0.5*0.1 1.5*0.15 2.4*0.15 3.2*0.4 4.5*0.9 6*0.7 8*0.5 11*2 1.1*0.3 12*1.5
0.5*0.125 1.5*0.2 2.4*0.2 3.2*0.5 4.5*1 6*0.8 8*0.6 11.1*0.4 1.2*0.135 12*2.0
0.5*0.15 1.5*0.25 2.4*0.25 3.2*0.6 4.7*0.2 6*0.9 8*0.7 12*0.2 1.6*0.25 · 12.8*1.6
0.6*0.1 1.5*0.3 2.4*0.3 3.2*0.8 4.7*0.25 6*1.0 8*0.8 12*0.25 1.9*0.1 14*0.5
0.6*0.125 1.5*0.35 2.4*0.4 3.4*0.5 4.7*0.3 6*1.2 8*0.9 12*0.3 2*0.3 14*1.5
0.6*0.15 1.5*0.4 2.4*0.5 3.5*0.15 4.8*0.125 6*1.25 8*1 12*0.4 2*0.4 14*2.0
0.63*0.15 1.5*0.45 2.4*0.6 3.5*0.2 4.8*0.2 6*1.5 8*1.2 12*0.5 2*0.5 15*0.5
0.7*0.1 1.5*0.5 2.4*0.7 3.5*0.25 4.8*0.25 6*2 8*1.5 12*1 2*0.6 15*1.5
0.7*0.125 1.6*0.1 2.4*0.75 3.5*0.3 4.8*0.3 6.35*0.3 8*2 12.3*0.4 2.5*0.25 15*2
0.7*0.15 1.6*0.125 2.4*0.8 3.5*0.4 4.8*0.5 6.35*0.5 8*2.5 12.7*0.3 2.5*0.3 16*0.5
0.7*0.2 1.6*0.15 2.5*0.1 3.5*0.5 5*0.1 6.35*0.7 8.5*0.2 13*0.5 2.5*0.5 16*1.0
0.8*0.1 1.6*0.2 2.5*0.15 3.5*0.55 5*0.15 6.35*1.0 8.5*0.25 13*1 3*0.5 16*1.5
0.8*0.125 1.6*0.25 2.5*0.2 3.5*0.7 5*0.2 6.4*0.225 8.5*0.3 13*1.5 3*0.8 16*2.0
0.8*0.15 1.6*0.3 2.5*0.25 3.5*0.8 5*0.25 6.5*0.2 8.5*0.4 13*2 3*1 17*1.5
0.8*0.2 1.6*0.35 2.5*0.3 3.5*1.0 5*0.3 6.5*0.25 8.5*0.5 13.5*0.5 4*0.3 17*2.0
0.8*0.25 1.6*0.4 2.5*0.35 3.5*1.15 5*0.35 6.5*0.3 8.5*1.0 14*0.25 4*0.5 18*1.5
0.9*0.1 1.65*0.3 2.5*0.4 3.6*0.15 5*0.4 6.5*0.4 8.5*1.3 14*0.3 4*1 18*2.0
0.9*0.15 1.7*0.1 2.5*0.45 3.7*0.15 5*0.45 6.5*0.5 8.5*1.5 14*0.5 4.8*0.15 19*1.5
0.9*0.2 1.7*0.15 2.5*0.5 3.7*0.2 5*0.5 6.5*0.6 8.9*1.4 14*1 5*0.5 19*2.0
0.9*0.25 1.7*0.2 2.5*0.6 3.7*0.5 5*0.6 6.5*0.7 9*0.2 14.2*0.2 5*1 20*1.0
1.0*0.1 1.7*0.25 2.5*0.65 3.8*0.2 5*0.7 6.5*0.8 9*0.25 15*0.3 5.5*1.75 20*1.5
1.0*0.125 1.7*0.3 2.5*0.7 3.8*0.25 5*0.75 6.5*0.9 9*0.3 15*0.5 6*0.15 20*2.0
1.0*0.15 1.8*0.1 2.5*0.85 3.8*0.3 5*0.8 6.5*1 9*0.4 15*1 6*0.25 20*2.5
1.0*0.2 1.8*0.15 2.6*0.15 3.9*0.2 5*0.9 6.5*1.3 9*0.5 16*0.5 6*0.3 21*1.0
1.0*0.25 1.8*0.2 2.6*0.2 4*0.1 5*1.0 6.7*0.5 9*0.6 16*1 6*0.5 22*1.5
1.0*0.3 1.8*0.25. 2.6*0.3 4*0.15 5*1.2 6.8*0.15 9*0.7 17*0.5 6*0.85 25*1.5
1.0*0.35 1.8*0.3 2.6*0.5 4*0.2 5*1.5 7*0.15 9*0.8 17*1 6*1 28.6*1.5
1.1*0.1 1.8*0.35 2.65*0.15 4*0.25 5.2*0.2 7*0.2 9*0.9 18*0.5 7*0.3
1.1*0.12 1.8*0.4 2.7*0.15 4*0.3 5.2*0.3 7*0.25 9*1 18*1.0 7*0.5
1.1*0.125 1.9*0.1 2.7*0.2 4*0.35 5.2*0.45 7*0.3 9*1.5 19*0.5 7*1.0
1.1*0.15 1.9*0.15 2.7*0.3 4*0.4 5.2*0.5 7*0.35 9*2 19*1.0 8*0.5
1.1*0.2 1.9*0.2 2.8*0.15 4*0.45 5.4*0.2 7*0.4 9.5*0.25 20*0.5 8*1
1.1*0.25 1.9*0.25 2.8*0.2 4*0.5 5.45*0.275 7*0.45 9.5*0.3 21*0.5 9*0.5
1.2*0.1 2*0.1 2.8*0.25 4*0.6 5.5*0.15 7*0.5 9.5*0.5 9*1
1.2*0.12 2*0.125 2.8*0.3 4*0.7 5.5*0.2 7*0.6 9.5*0.7 10*0.5
1.2*0.125 2*0.15 2.8*0.5 4*0.75 5.5*0.25 7*0.7 9.5*1 10*1
1.2*0.15 2*0.2 2.8*0.7 4*0.8 5.5*0.3 7*0.8 9.5*1.5
1.2*0.2 2*0.25 2.9*0.3 4*0.9 5.5*0.4 7*0.9 10*0.2
1.2*0.25 2*0.3 3*0.1 4*1.0 5.5*0.5 7*1.0 10*0.25
1.2*0.3 2*0.35 3*0.15 4*1.25 5.5*0.6 7*1.2 10*0.3
1.2*0.4 2*0.4 3*0.2 4*1.5 5.5*0.7 7*1.5 10*0.4
1.3*0.1 2*0.45 3*0.25 4.2*0.2 5.5*0.75 7*2 10*0.5
1.3*0.12 2*0.5 3*0.3 4.2*0.25 5.5*0.8 7.5*0.2 10*0.6
1.3*0.125 2*0.6 3*0.35 4.2*0.3 5.5*1 7.5*0.25 10*0.7
1.3*0.135 2*0.7 3*0.4 4.2*0.4 5.6*0.85 7.5*0.3 10*0.8
1.3*0.15 2.1*0.15 3*0.5 4.2*0.5 5.7*0.2 7.5*0.4 10*0.9
1.3*0.175 2.1*0.2 3*0.6 4.3*0.9 5.7*0.3 7.5*0.5 10*1.0
1.3*0.2 2.1*0.25 3*0.7 4.4*0.45 5.8*0.15 7.5*0.6 10*1.5
1.3*0.25 2.1*0.65 3*0.75 4.4*0.5 5.8*0.2 7.5*0.7 10*2
1.3*0.3 2.2*0.15 3*0.8 4.5*0.15 5.8*0.5 7.5*0.8 10*2.5
1.4*0.1 2.2*0.2 3*0.9 4.5*0.2 5.8*0.7 7.5*0.9 10.3*0.2
1.4*0.15 2.2*0.25 3*1.0 4.5*0.25 6*0.15 7.5*1.0 10.8*0.2 soft bright
1.4*0.2 2.2*0.3 3*1.1 4.5*0.3 6*0.2 7.8*0.5 11*0.2 1.5*0.15
1.4*0.25 2.2*0.5 3*1.2 4.5*0.4 6*0.25 8*0.15 11*0.25 2*0.5
1.4*0.3 2.3*0.125 3.2*0.15 4.5*0.5 6*0.3 8*0.2 11*0.3 2.5*0.5
1.4*0.35 2.3*0.15 3.2*0.2 4.5*0.6 6*0.4 8*0.25 11*0.4 5*0.5

The working pressure

PSI Wall .020” .028” .035” .049” .065” .083” .095” .109” .120” .134” .156” .188” .250” .313” .375” .500” .750”
OD1/16” .016”
OD 1/16” 38,000 48,000 TheASMEcodesuggestsasafetyfactorof
1/8” 19,200 24,000 39,000 42,000 58,800 T304/L,T316/L,&T317L.A269Tubing
3/16” 12,800 15,998 22,403 29,498 39,203 51,863 fortemperaturesbetween-20˚Fand100˚F.
1/4” 12,000 16,800 21,000 29,400 39,000 49,800 57,000 21,000PSI÷4=5,250PSI
5/16” 9,600 13,440 16,800 23,520 31,200 39,780 45,750 WorkingPressure=5,250PSI
3/8” 8,003 11,998 14,003 19,598 26,003 33,203 38,003 43,598 48,000 Forhighertemperaturesmultiplyworking
7/16” 6,857 9,600 12,000 16,800 22,285 28,457 32,571 37,371 41,143 pressuresby:
1/2” 6,000 8,400 10,500 14,700 19,500 24,900 28,500 32,700 36,000 T316/L& T317/L. 900.853 0.764
9/16” 5,333 7,467 9,333 13,067 17,333 22,123 25,333 29,066 32,000
5/8” 4,800 6,720 8,400 11,760 15,600 19,920 22,888 26,160 28,800 32,160 37,440 44,880
3/4” 3,998 5,603 6,998 9,803 12,997 16,598 18,998 21,803 24,000 26,800 31,200 37,403
7/8” 3,428 4,800 6,000 8,400 11,145 14,228 16,283 18,683 20,573 22,971 26,745 32,055
1” 3,000 4,200 5,250 7,350 9,750 12,450 14,250 16,350 18,000 20,100 23,400 28,050 37,500
1-1/8” 2,663 3,735 4,665 6,533 8,670 11,070 12,668 14,535 15,998 17,866 20,798 24,930 33,330
1-1/4” 2,400 3,360 4,200 5,880 7,800 9,960 11,400 13,080 14,400 16,080 18,720 22,440 30,000
1-3/8” 3,053 3,818 5,348 7,087 9,053 10,365 11,888 13,088 14,618 17,018 20,400 27,270
1-1/2” 2,948 3,503 4,898 6,503 8,303 9,503 10,890 12,000 13,400 15,600 18,698 24,998
1-5/8” 3,230 4,523 6,000 7,662 8,769 10,062 11,077 12,369 14,400 17,354 23,077
1-3/4” 3,000 4,200 5,573 7,118 8,145 9,345 10,283 11,486 13,373 16,028 21,428
2” 2,625 3,675 4,875 6,225 7,125 8,175 9,000 10,050 11,700 14,025 18,750 23,475 28,12 5 37,500
2-1/4” 2,333 3,270 4,335 5,535 6,330 7,268 8,003 8,933 10,403 12,465 16,665 20,865 24,99 8 33,330
2-1/2” 2,100 2,940 3,900 4,980 5,700 6,540 7,200 8,040 9,360 11,220 15,000 18,780 22,50 0 30,000
2-3/4” 1,913 2,670 3,548 4,530 5,183 5,948 6,548 7,309 8,513 10,200 13,636 17,070 20,453 27,270 40,913
3” 1,748 2,453 3,248 4,148 4,748 5,453 6,000 6,700 7,800 9,353 12,503 15,653 18,750 24,998 37,500
3-1/4” 3,000 3,833 4,388 5,033 5,535 6,185 7,200 8,633 11,535 14,445 17,31 0 23,078 34,613
3-1/2” 2,783 3,555 4,073 4,673 5,145 5,743 6,683 8,018 10,718 13,418 16,07 3 21,428 32,146
3-3/4” 2,603 3,323 3,803 4,358 4,800 5,360 6,240 7,478 9,998 12,518 15,00 0 20,003 30,000
4” 2,438 3,113 3,563 4,088 4,500 5,025 5,850 7,013 9,375 11,738 14,06 3 18,750 28,125

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