China 310 Steel Coil Tube Factories

China 310 Steel Coil Tube Factories Featured Image
  • China 310 Steel Coil Tube Factories
  • China 310 Steel Coil Tube Factories
  • China 310 Steel Coil Tube Factories
  • China 310 Steel Coil Tube Factories
  • China 310 Steel Coil Tube Factories

Short Description:

China 310 Steel Coil Tube Factories

Dear Client, I am very happy to introduce to you our high-quality stainless steel coiled tubing. We are a professional manufacturer of coiled tubing. Over the years, we have joined the projects of OXY,  oil companies.The quality of the products is highly praised by customers, and we can produce seamless and welded coiled tubing. Some coiled tubing has a length of 1000-10,0000 feet per roll and is used in deep sea oil wells. If you want more longer length of each Pipe, we also can produce for you.  If necessary, please send your inquiry and look forward to cooperating with you!

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China 310 Steel Coil Tube Factories

There are many factories in China that manufacture stainless steel coils, including 310 steel coils. Some of these factories include:1. Liao cheng sihe Stainless steel material lTD.These factories produce high-quality stainless steel coil pipes that meet international standards and export them to countries all over the world.

310 steel coiled tubing is a pipe made of 310 grade stainless steel, a high-quality stainless steel known for its excellent resistance to high temperature and chemical corrosion. Widely used in chemical, petroleum, aerospace and other industries. Some of the features and benefits of 310 steel coiled tubing include: 1. High temperature resistance: 310 steel pipe is resistant to high temperature, and can withstand a temperature of up to 1100 °C. 2. Corrosion resistance: Due to the high chromium content, 310 steel coils are highly resistant to corrosion caused by chemicals and acids. 3. Durable: 310 steel coil is a durable material that can withstand challenging environments. 4. Wide range of uses: 310 steel coils are easy to form, weld and fabricate to meet different requirements. 5. Ease of use: 310 steel coils are easy to machine and can be easily bent, cut and formed to provide an efficient, reliable and cost-effective solution. Overall, 310 steel coils are an excellent choice for high temperature and high corrosion resistance applications in industrial environments.

Stainless Steel capillary tubing
304 Stainless Steel capillary tubing
 We can produce Grade :316L 304  304L 2205 904L 2507 625 825 MOQ500kgs
0.25*0.08 1.4*0.4 2.3*0.2 3.2*0.25 4.5*0.7 6*0.45 8*0.3 11*0.5 0.8*0.2 10*1
0.3*0.1 1.5*0.1 2.3*0.25 3.2*0.3 4.5*0.75 6*0.5 8*0.4 11*1 0.85*0.175 12*0.5
0.4*0.1 1.5*0.125 2.3*0.3 3.2*0.35 4.5*0.8 6*0.6 8*0.45 11*1.5 1.1*0.2 12*1
0.5*0.1 1.5*0.15 2.4*0.15 3.2*0.4 4.5*0.9 6*0.7 8*0.5 11*2 1.1*0.3 12*1.5
0.5*0.125 1.5*0.2 2.4*0.2 3.2*0.5 4.5*1 6*0.8 8*0.6 11.1*0.4 1.2*0.135 12*2.0
0.5*0.15 1.5*0.25 2.4*0.25 3.2*0.6 4.7*0.2 6*0.9 8*0.7 12*0.2 1.6*0.25 · 12.8*1.6
0.6*0.1 1.5*0.3 2.4*0.3 3.2*0.8 4.7*0.25 6*1.0 8*0.8 12*0.25 1.9*0.1 14*0.5
0.6*0.125 1.5*0.35 2.4*0.4 3.4*0.5 4.7*0.3 6*1.2 8*0.9 12*0.3 2*0.3 14*1.5
0.6*0.15 1.5*0.4 2.4*0.5 3.5*0.15 4.8*0.125 6*1.25 8*1 12*0.4 2*0.4 14*2.0
0.63*0.15 1.5*0.45 2.4*0.6 3.5*0.2 4.8*0.2 6*1.5 8*1.2 12*0.5 2*0.5 15*0.5
0.7*0.1 1.5*0.5 2.4*0.7 3.5*0.25 4.8*0.25 6*2 8*1.5 12*1 2*0.6 15*1.5
0.7*0.125 1.6*0.1 2.4*0.75 3.5*0.3 4.8*0.3 6.35*0.3 8*2 12.3*0.4 2.5*0.25 15*2
0.7*0.15 1.6*0.125 2.4*0.8 3.5*0.4 4.8*0.5 6.35*0.5 8*2.5 12.7*0.3 2.5*0.3 16*0.5
0.7*0.2 1.6*0.15 2.5*0.1 3.5*0.5 5*0.1 6.35*0.7 8.5*0.2 13*0.5 2.5*0.5 16*1.0
0.8*0.1 1.6*0.2 2.5*0.15 3.5*0.55 5*0.15 6.35*1.0 8.5*0.25 13*1 3*0.5 16*1.5
0.8*0.125 1.6*0.25 2.5*0.2 3.5*0.7 5*0.2 6.4*0.225 8.5*0.3 13*1.5 3*0.8 16*2.0
0.8*0.15 1.6*0.3 2.5*0.25 3.5*0.8 5*0.25 6.5*0.2 8.5*0.4 13*2 3*1 17*1.5
0.8*0.2 1.6*0.35 2.5*0.3 3.5*1.0 5*0.3 6.5*0.25 8.5*0.5 13.5*0.5 4*0.3 17*2.0
0.8*0.25 1.6*0.4 2.5*0.35 3.5*1.15 5*0.35 6.5*0.3 8.5*1.0 14*0.25 4*0.5 18*1.5
0.9*0.1 1.65*0.3 2.5*0.4 3.6*0.15 5*0.4 6.5*0.4 8.5*1.3 14*0.3 4*1 18*2.0
0.9*0.15 1.7*0.1 2.5*0.45 3.7*0.15 5*0.45 6.5*0.5 8.5*1.5 14*0.5 4.8*0.15 19*1.5
0.9*0.2 1.7*0.15 2.5*0.5 3.7*0.2 5*0.5 6.5*0.6 8.9*1.4 14*1 5*0.5 19*2.0
0.9*0.25 1.7*0.2 2.5*0.6 3.7*0.5 5*0.6 6.5*0.7 9*0.2 14.2*0.2 5*1 20*1.0
1.0*0.1 1.7*0.25 2.5*0.65 3.8*0.2 5*0.7 6.5*0.8 9*0.25 15*0.3 5.5*1.75 20*1.5
1.0*0.125 1.7*0.3 2.5*0.7 3.8*0.25 5*0.75 6.5*0.9 9*0.3 15*0.5 6*0.15 20*2.0
1.0*0.15 1.8*0.1 2.5*0.85 3.8*0.3 5*0.8 6.5*1 9*0.4 15*1 6*0.25 20*2.5
1.0*0.2 1.8*0.15 2.6*0.15 3.9*0.2 5*0.9 6.5*1.3 9*0.5 16*0.5 6*0.3 21*1.0
1.0*0.25 1.8*0.2 2.6*0.2 4*0.1 5*1.0 6.7*0.5 9*0.6 16*1 6*0.5 22*1.5
1.0*0.3 1.8*0.25. 2.6*0.3 4*0.15 5*1.2 6.8*0.15 9*0.7 17*0.5 6*0.85 25*1.5
1.0*0.35 1.8*0.3 2.6*0.5 4*0.2 5*1.5 7*0.15 9*0.8 17*1 6*1 28.6*1.5
1.1*0.1 1.8*0.35 2.65*0.15 4*0.25 5.2*0.2 7*0.2 9*0.9 18*0.5 7*0.3
1.1*0.12 1.8*0.4 2.7*0.15 4*0.3 5.2*0.3 7*0.25 9*1 18*1.0 7*0.5
1.1*0.125 1.9*0.1 2.7*0.2 4*0.35 5.2*0.45 7*0.3 9*1.5 19*0.5 7*1.0
1.1*0.15 1.9*0.15 2.7*0.3 4*0.4 5.2*0.5 7*0.35 9*2 19*1.0 8*0.5
1.1*0.2 1.9*0.2 2.8*0.15 4*0.45 5.4*0.2 7*0.4 9.5*0.25 20*0.5 8*1
1.1*0.25 1.9*0.25 2.8*0.2 4*0.5 5.45*0.275 7*0.45 9.5*0.3 21*0.5 9*0.5
1.2*0.1 2*0.1 2.8*0.25 4*0.6 5.5*0.15 7*0.5 9.5*0.5 9*1
1.2*0.12 2*0.125 2.8*0.3 4*0.7 5.5*0.2 7*0.6 9.5*0.7 10*0.5
1.2*0.125 2*0.15 2.8*0.5 4*0.75 5.5*0.25 7*0.7 9.5*1 10*1
1.2*0.15 2*0.2 2.8*0.7 4*0.8 5.5*0.3 7*0.8 9.5*1.5
1.2*0.2 2*0.25 2.9*0.3 4*0.9 5.5*0.4 7*0.9 10*0.2
1.2*0.25 2*0.3 3*0.1 4*1.0 5.5*0.5 7*1.0 10*0.25
1.2*0.3 2*0.35 3*0.15 4*1.25 5.5*0.6 7*1.2 10*0.3
1.2*0.4 2*0.4 3*0.2 4*1.5 5.5*0.7 7*1.5 10*0.4
1.3*0.1 2*0.45 3*0.25 4.2*0.2 5.5*0.75 7*2 10*0.5
1.3*0.12 2*0.5 3*0.3 4.2*0.25 5.5*0.8 7.5*0.2 10*0.6
1.3*0.125 2*0.6 3*0.35 4.2*0.3 5.5*1 7.5*0.25 10*0.7
1.3*0.135 2*0.7 3*0.4 4.2*0.4 5.6*0.85 7.5*0.3 10*0.8
1.3*0.15 2.1*0.15 3*0.5 4.2*0.5 5.7*0.2 7.5*0.4 10*0.9
1.3*0.175 2.1*0.2 3*0.6 4.3*0.9 5.7*0.3 7.5*0.5 10*1.0
1.3*0.2 2.1*0.25 3*0.7 4.4*0.45 5.8*0.15 7.5*0.6 10*1.5
1.3*0.25 2.1*0.65 3*0.75 4.4*0.5 5.8*0.2 7.5*0.7 10*2
1.3*0.3 2.2*0.15 3*0.8 4.5*0.15 5.8*0.5 7.5*0.8 10*2.5
1.4*0.1 2.2*0.2 3*0.9 4.5*0.2 5.8*0.7 7.5*0.9 10.3*0.2
1.4*0.15 2.2*0.25 3*1.0 4.5*0.25 6*0.15 7.5*1.0 10.8*0.2 soft bright
1.4*0.2 2.2*0.3 3*1.1 4.5*0.3 6*0.2 7.8*0.5 11*0.2 1.5*0.15
1.4*0.25 2.2*0.5 3*1.2 4.5*0.4 6*0.25 8*0.15 11*0.25 2*0.5
1.4*0.3 2.3*0.125 3.2*0.15 4.5*0.5 6*0.3 8*0.2 11*0.3 2.5*0.5
1.4*0.35 2.3*0.15 3.2*0.2 4.5*0.6 6*0.4 8*0.25 11*0.4 5*0.5

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