The Office of Diversity & Inclusion works to ensure equality of economic opportunity for all Jersey City residents. The Office of Diversity & Inclusion works to ensure equality of economic opportunity for all Jersey City residents. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion works to ensure equal economic opportunity for all Jersey City residents. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is committed to providing equal economic opportunity for all Jersey City residents. We work with city departments and community partners to empower residents through business and workforce development opportunities. As the country’s most diverse city, Jersey City truly is a melting pot of national, ethnic and cultural traditions. Jersey City is known as New Jersey’s “Golden Gate” and is the gateway to those who set foot on our shores via the Statue of Liberty via Ellis Island. Linguistic diversity also distinguishes Jersey City, with 72 different languages spoken in the city’s schools. We invite you to explore the variety of services we offer to meet the broad needs of our diverse community.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 | 12:00pm–6:00pm MARY MCCLEOD BETHUNE LIFE CENTER 140 MARTIN LUTHER KING DRIVE JERSEY CITY NJ 07305
Participants Jersey City Office of Diversity and Inclusion Michael Rubas LLP New Jersey State Re-entry Program Minority Cannabis College Hudson County Community College Jobs State Employee • Pharmacy Manager Inventory/Purchasing • Order Fulfillment Delivery Driver • Delivery Manager Registrar Security Guard Accountant Sponsor
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion maintains a catalog of business resources to further assist business owners.
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion maintains a directory of urban vendors certified as minorities, women, veterans, LGBTQ-owned and disabled, low-income and small businesses.
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion works with the Office of Tax Cuts and Compliance to ensure that developers and property managers use minorities, women, and local labor in tax reduction programs. If you are a Jersey City worker and would like to be considered for a project referral, please register using the link above.
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion maintains a database of skilled minority and women workers and businesses. ODI is committed to helping create a diverse, high-performing construction workforce from all walks of life that values equity, diversity and inclusion. Please complete the Subcontractor Supplier Application Form for your project.
We recruit from a diverse pool of qualified potential candidates to provide a highly productive workforce in all aspects of the city.
Post time: Sep-25-2022